Exploration and Sharing

Add Content

Assignment - Find content related to what you teach and add the content to your Google Earth places.  Show the content to at least one other person.

Assignment - make a post to the Your Ideas blog - link on the bottom of the list.

Add Content - Google Earth has an Add Content button which will bring display recommended content – in .kml and .kmz files format.  It shows up in a window on the bottom of the Google Earth window.  This content is well organized by type.  There is something to be discovered for all groups.  Be sure to click the more>> button on the right of the screen. http://earth.google.com/ig/directory?pid=earth&synd=earth&hl=en&gl=us&cat will take you directly to this site from your browser.

Educational Lessons from Google Earth Lessons Site

Google Earth Lessons site has a wealth of Google Earth lessons create by teachers and by students, organized in four different content area: Cross Curricular, Social Studies, Math, Science, and Language Arts.  They also provide basic tutorials on how to use Google Earth.  http://www.gelessons.com/lessons/

Educational Uses for Google Earth - From GE Blog

From the Google Earth Blog – organized by content area.  It is loaded with links to projects which integrate Google Earth into your curriculum.  http://www.gearthblog.com/blog/archives/2007/09/back_to_school_educational_uses_wit.html

Networked Linked Sites

Network Linked Sites are dynamic – refreshing in real time.  To better use bandwidth, set the refresh to Never if you see that option.  Samples of these dynamic network linked sites include:

USGS Strewamgage Watch

JFK Airport Traffic Monitoring

North America Pollution by Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Also look at the "Integration Ideas" link on the left...